Autowiring Spring Method in XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- Beans to retrieve Persistence Manager -->
<!-- Static method -->
<bean id="persistenceManagerFactory" class="javax.jdo.JDOHelper"
<constructor-arg value="transactions-optional" />
<!-- Non static method -->
<bean id="persistenceManager" factory-bean="persistenceManagerFactory"
factory-method="getPersistenceManager" destroy-method="close">
Spring Notes
1. Does setter injection (if an empty constructor was available). Constructor second.
2. By setting a class as @Component, the id is automatically the class name with the first letter in lower case. (e.g. Class Person Spring id is "person").
3. You can overwrite autowiring with xml files
4. Must have "context:component-scan base-package="package name" />" in the xml to tell Spring there are beans to scan
5. @Autowire wires by type, not by name
Custom Spring Property Editor
Note: There's only one instance of property editor for each bean. So if you use the same bean (even if it's a prototype), it uses the same instance of that object. Solution: create two beans or don't use PropertyEditor.
package com.blogspot.sourie;
import java.beans.PropertyEditorSupport;
public class SocialSecurityPropertyEditor extends PropertyEditorSupport {
public void setAsText(String value){
if (value != null){
value = value.replace(" ", "");
if (value.length() == 9){
String area = value.substring(0, 3);
String group = value.substring(3,5);
String serial = value.substring(5);
setValue(new SocialSecurity(area, group, serial));
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.CustomEditorConfigurer" id="customEditorConfigurer">
<property name="customEditors">
<entry key="com.blogspot.sourie.SocialSecurity">
<bean class="com.blogspot.sourie.SocialSecurityPropertyEditor">
<entry key="com.blogspot.sourie.PhoneNumber">
<bean class="com.blogspot.sourie.PhoneNumberPropertyEditor">
<bean class="com.blogspot.sourie.Person" id="phonePerson">
<property name="phoneNumber" value="111 222 3333"></property>
Zune (Microsoft IPod)
So after nights of searching for an Android tablet, I gave up and got a Zune instead. I just want something to write applications. But Android tablets ratings are either too low or the tablets are too expensive. The Microsoft's Zune, on the other hand, is just right. The ratings are great. The price is reasonable, arguably the cheapest of its kind. I really don't understand why it is not as famous as the IPod. Yes, it doesn't look as nice, it doesn't have a camera, and it doesn't have that many applications. But again, as I said, I just wanted something that I can write application for with wifi access. Overall, I think it's a good investment, especially now that Nokia just signed up with Microsoft.