

I Hate Networking!

Networking is the idea of creating a support system to share information and services (according to The concept is great. But people are getting away from that concept. Now, people build their networks because it increases their chances of finding a job or builds their business.

But think for a moment. Suppose, you and your classmate both went for the same job. You have better work experience or better grade, but because your classmate knows someone who works in the company, he/she will get the job. To take it to another level, suppose you're from a low income family and you've been going to school full time and working part time. Therefore, you have no time to socialize (i.e. build your network). Should you be penalized for your situation? Should that rich kid who has more time to socialize because her/his parent pays for his college get the job that you're more qualified for? If you support networking in the sense that I just stated in the above paragraph, then let me answer that for you, yes! That's exactly what you're doing when you build your network so they can help you find job by giving you recommendation! You're building the society that, instead of basing it on talent, you're basing it on who you know.

I don't care if that's how the world is run. I will not let society change something that is clearly wrong into something that's acceptable. It's not. And I refuse to support such system.

On the other hand, when you go out, truly meet people. Don't think about how that person will benefit you, because he/she will. When you keep an open mind, you can always learn from someone else. Even with an enemy, you'll learn things about yourself and your enemy that could make you a better person. So next time, when you meet someone, respect the person for who he/she is. Make a real friend, and stop networking.


Android SQLite3

Just notes for myself, hopefully I remember to clean this up.

1. Accessing the database
a. Navigate to tools folder of android sdk android-sdk-windows/tools
b. type adb shell (to access Android's shell)
c. type cd data/data/[package name]/databases
d. type sqlite3 [your database name]

SQL Commands
.tables - display all the table names
.schema [table name] - display create statement for the table


Icons: My Tam

Since I somewhat got released from my first job, I requested a graphic challenge. This is the first round. Theme: RED

Credit appreciated.

I like My Tam ever since I heard Cay Dan Sinh Vien. She's a beautiful and charismatic singer. But more than that, I love her more for sharing her wealth by raising money to help low income students go to school. Here's a picture from one of her charity function.

Isn't she a cutie? <3